Friday, March 25, 2016


My third pull up attempt is coming up next week. I honestly don't think I'm ready. After the first attempt, I changed my workout around for 6 weeks or so, and I think it might have been a bad decision. I changed it again after the second attempt. The current exercises seem to hit all the right muscles.

No matter what happens on pull up day, I am getting stronger, and people are noticing. The last week or so, several people have given Superman compliments on how much weight I'm lifting. One guy complimented my bench press, and it was only 100lbs. I've hit several personal records the last week or so too. Last week I did a set of 5 hammer curls with the 25lb dumbbell. This week I did a 270lb squat on Tuesday,  and yesterday I did a 225 lb rack pull.

I'm not sure that lipo drex is the fat burner for me. When I first started it, I gained a few pounds, and kept them on the entire month I took it. Within a week of stopping it, I had dropped at least part of it. I'm not sure if my body fat changed at all. It feels like if it changed, it changed in places that can't be measured, like my shoulders.