So much has happened since my last post!
Superman's boss left, and so did a few coworkers. I got an interview for an attendant position, but was not hired. The lady doing the hiring was in admin, and doesn't go on the fitness floor much. JC and Superman both have said they think she was wrong when she said I didn't have enough experience for the position.
The other day I realized I only have 7 weeks to sit for my PT test. I went online and scheduled my CPR/AED class, then called and scheduled my exam. By New Year's day I should officially be a personal trainer!!
Superman continues to be a very important presence in my life. Two months ago I picked up 2 friends of ours, and we drove 3 hours to support him at his first bodybuilding contest. He insisted on buying our admission tickets as a thank you for all our support and for driving to be there for him. We loved being there for him.
Last month my FIL was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, then died. Superman (and another friend, Batman) were my rocks. They listened (via Facebook messages) to all the fears that I did not want to burden my husband with. They prayed for us. Superman gave me a big hug the first chance he got after finding out that my FIL had died.
Its a running joke at work that Superman is my boyfriend. He knows that he's my "fake boyfriend". But I really don't think people quite understand what I mean when I say I love him, or that he loves me. He DOES love me and want to protect me, but its more of a big sister/aunt kind of love. I love him like a little brother or a son. Our relationship is more "warm fuzzy" than "fireworks".
My training with him continues to progress. About a month ago I did a 215lb squat, and just last week it was a 190lb deadlift. The other day he had me doing some seriously hard core squats-- barbell squats with band resistance. Random gym members have started noticing our sessions and approaching me to tell me how awesome I am, and how tough the workouts are.
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