Monday, June 30, 2014

Loving me...

This has been a long time coming. I think I am finally in a place where I am beginning to love ME again. For years I didn't. My body still isn't as slim or hard as I would like it to be, but that is OK.

Last week Superman measured me again. I lost big in several places, and actually gained a quarter inch on my biceps. When he's training me, Superman likes to occasionally provide extra resistance by grabbing the machine and pushing/ pulling to make the negative harder. It's kind of become a game to us. Thursday I was doing preacher curls and he was trying to pull the bar down (and I had to prevent it). He literally had to stagger his feet and work to pull the bar! He's commented that he didn't expect his part to be so HARD :)

Quite often lately, he tells me that I am the strongest female client he has, or I squat heavier than any female gym member he knows of. A few weeks ago I had a surreal moment during a session with him. I looked in the mirror, and noticed the way my arm and shoulder muscles were moving before I noticed my love handles. Honestly, the love handles aren't bad anymore...

Saturday, June 21, 2014

feeling the love...

I'm definitely feeling the love lately.  I've not seen JC in 3 or 4 months, but we text regularly. Last night we had one of our text conversations.and once again when the conversation is over I felt loved. He basically told me that I am hardcore, and that he always has my back.

Shy and I have been getting to know each other, and become closer as friends.  He and JC both tell me how awesome and strong I am :) Shy and I actually done cardio together as friends (vs trainer-client) several times this month. He did a Y challenge that consisted of a virtual half iron man. I didn't officially do it, but our little competition is the kick in the butt he needed to stay motivated. I ran and biked like crazy for a few weeks. As kind of a fun  reward for all the hard work he puts in to helping me, I took him out for a triple cheeseburger last week. We sat and ate (I got a triple too) and talked and laughed. It felt really good, and we both want to do it again. Which brings me to my next thought...Shy's blog name doesn't fit him anymore. He's changed so much over the last 5/6 months, and around me he is anything but shy. So from here on, he will be "superman".