Saturday, May 30, 2015

21 day fix

So I've tried to do a cut several times, and failed. Superman, bless his heart, has given me guidance, but I needed a little more.

I've seen a lot on the Internet about a program called "21 day fix". Basically, you get these  colored containers...every day you eat a certain number of each --5 green (veggies ), 3 purple  (fruit), 5 red (protein ), etc. The foods you put into the containers should be minimally processed, so frozen dinners, granola bars, etc are discouraged.  Meal planning is encouraged.  I decided to try it. Today is day 2/21 and I think it's going well. My biggest issue is eating 5 cups of veggies and 3 cups of fruit a day. That's a lot of volume!! I've cut down to one slice of toast in the morning, and added a cup of fruit. Since its been in the 80s around here lately, it hasn't been hard to talk myself into a big salad once a day. That's 3 cups of veggies and 2 protein right there ☺

I do feel like maybe my softer physique is making it harder to get a trainer job. Hopefully I'm wrong. It will be interesting to see how my body changes in just 3 weeks. I'm hoping to lose some belly inches!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

A year of progress

For the last few years, I have posted a new picture on Facebook the week after school gets out for the summer. It's my way of being accountable, and showing people that I am making progress even though the scale may not show it.

It has been a crazy year since my last beginning of summer pictures. Last year I had just been working with Superman for a few months. I was just starting to feel strong and powerful. This year, we have been working together for almost 15 months! I know I'm strong and powerful, and I couldn't pick a better person to have my back.

The scale hasn't changed much. As a matter of fact, I've gained and lost and regained about 10lbs this year, but the measuring tape has shown small losses. Yesterday I put together a quick comparison of pictures to see how I've changed. Truthfully, my belly doesn't look much different, and that makes me a little sad. I did see changes in my booty and thighs. My thighs look a little thicker, but in a good way. To my eye, I see quad definition where I didn't have it last year. My booty looks a little fuller, but I am ok with that too!

Last year at this time I was still working up my nerve to order my NASM materials.  This year I have been certified for 5 months, and now I'm working on continuing education.  I've interviewed for 2 trainer positions, and I think I have a good shot at the second one!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Promises kept

When I got my certification, I wanted to work at "my" gym. I've had my application in for about a year, maybe more. About 7 months ago I was interviewed for an attendant position, but the job went to someone with "more fitness experience ". I recently found out that this was not entirely true.

Several months ago, in conversations with JC and Superman, I set a deadline.  If I was not on staff at "my" gym in any capacity by June 1st, I would start applying at other gyms the next day. Last week, out of frustration with my current job, I filled out some applications on my day off. Much to my surprise, within 48 hours both places had contacted me! Tomorrow morning  I interview at one of them (LA). I have mixed feelings about this interview--the position is in Hilliard, which is a 40 minute drive. But both JC and Superman had or currently have similar commutes. I've been playing phone tag since Thursday  with the owner of the other gym (metro). Metro is 5 minutes from my house, so would be a more ideal commute.

Either way, I'm excited and scared. I'm finally going to get a chance to prove to myself that I can do this! But all my insecurities are coming to the surface too. Will people take me seriously?  Can I write a program that my client will enjoy and see results from?